29 June 2008

Moved to New York for the summer, updates when I get out from under!

07 June 2008

Meryl Streep's back

This sweet corner of Paris,
is tucked just behind the back of Notre Dame and is usually quiet, and always charming. Yet, this mega-Hollywood production transformed the square overnight to a day in the 40's. Literally overnight, they sawed off the cement pillars used to block cars from parking on sidewalks as Parisians are wont to do, and battened up storefronts to a quainter place and time. Particularly transformed was the stark minimalist restaurant that morphed into a quaint glove shop. They shot all morning and by evening, the square was back to being sleepy in 2008.

To see how charming it is in real-life-refer back to Anne Hathaway's kiss with Simon Baker in "The Devil Wears Prada". Very little was changed for that scene.

And now, yes you saw it here first, Meryl Streep's back in the role as Julia, as seen
from inside Le Rouvray, THE Paris quilting destination for quilters worldwide.