13 September 2007

Customer service France Telecom/Orange style

My good friend Eric now has three new cellphones with two different numbers.

This was never his intent. He went to France Telecom/Orange to buy the new Blackberry, to eliminate the need to carry around telephone, agenda, and camera. This operation took about 2 days (thanks to generally inattentive and unknowledgeable salespeople, which I can imagine, having already tried to buy a Blackberry through SFR last year, to no avail.)

It became so complicated and expensive, that he just gave up and signed on for a new subscription, complete with new number. (I know I don't have to describe the horror of having to get everyone from the old phone transferred to the new phone, as well as using the new number).

The glitch was that Eric arrived home, he realized that his new super-duper gadget DID NOT HAVE A CAMERA. For a man making his living turning over furniture and objets d'art, a camera is one of those indispensable features he is not willing to give up.

No problem, he says to himself, 'I'll just look up the number, work it out with the salesperson and send my assistant to exchange it tomorrow.' This is where it got tricky. France Orange, A TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATION COMPANY, has NO LISTED TELEPHONE NUMBER for the store. That's right, if you want to complain, you have to go back and do it in person.

They certainly know what they are doing. I have heard Eric tell this story several times, and each time, those listening just look at him sympathetically, knowingly- THEY HAVE EACH AND ALL HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE. They all had to return to the shop to complain about one problem or another. No wonder France Orange won't list their number-too many complaints to handle. Isn't it just a little too ironic that a company in the business of providing phone numbers for others has no way to be contacted by phone?

Which is probably why this YouTube video Brenda calls Becky has a lot of fans in France.

Last chapter- Eric is quite happy with his Blackberry minus camera, as he is now the proud owner of a separate camera. What we will settle and be delighted with, when the going gets tough...

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