30 June 2007

The French Welcome

I am listening to a blurb on France Info about how terribly the French are viewed when abroad as well as the frosty welcome they serve to foreigners in their country.

The last 30 years, politicians have exhorted, at least those in contact with tourists, to be more helpful, certainly smile a bit more. All to no effect. France, especially Paris, has effortlessly managed to keep its surly reputation intact.

Thierry _ _ _ _ _, I didn't get his last name, reproaches Parisians for acting as if tourists are a nuisance and begs them to be a bit more helpful. He is outraged at how announcements in the metro of a change of quai are announced only in French, and compares to Nordic countries, where they also announce in English to help the maximum amount of people.

How can it change? I dined with one of my few French friends at the legendary Closerie des Lilas last night. Even she says she has practically no French friends!

I can't say it but am, only because I am quoting my friend! It is egoism - never think of anyone else, just your own personal satisfaction.

Perhaps rudeness fines should be in place, fines have certainly worked on the roads. Everyone is driving the speed limit now that the speed limit is being ruthlessly enforced with radar, hefty fines, and confiscated driving licenses.

1 comment:

Canalh said...

I would be really delighted to know your source for this information: "The last 30 years, politicians have exhorted, at least those in contact with tourists, to be more helpful". I am doing a research...