28 June 2007

Strikes and the great departure

Strike today - heard this morning on the news, but I have yet to find it in any of the papers, even with my new mac dashboard widget which aggregates the headlines of the Nouvelle Obs, the Figaro, Le Monde, l'Equipe, le Parisien, and 20 Minutes.

I believe I heard that the walk-out this afternoon will include all of the personnel in contact with the public on the new TGV line Paris - Strasbourg. I am not sure what they are asking for, presumably more money, but in France, maybe not.

This is sure to cause great perturbation as the first 'grand départ'. The summer vacation starts today-even though it is not official until the fourth. A million people commence the Exode this week-end -in Ile de France, la vallée de la Rhône, and the Mediterranean.

Far from feeling left behind, I am grateful that 1) the holidays are staggered to alleviate the gridlock, and 2), that Paris will be empyting out, although the tourists do a pretty good job of repopulating the city in the meantime.

However, tomorrow is Gay Pride Parade, so gridlock, of that we can be sure.

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